DIY Nail Polish Storage Solution

Published September 15, 2012 by pounds4polish

Happy Saturday everyone :-), I want to say thanks to all of you for your support. I know that weight loss is one of the biggest struggles that people face and I know that the journey to reaching our goals will be a tough one with many ups and downs. But I have confidence in myself and in any of you that would like to join me. Before I got pregnant with my last child I had joined Weight Watchers and lost 40lbs. This time around I’m not sure if I want to rejoin or not but I do plan to implement the same techniques. I will have a post coming with a detailed plan. But for now, that’s enough of the dreaded weight talk. So let’s talk polish!!!

When I started buying polishes I didn’t have any problem finding a little box to contain them, but the bigger my collection grew the smaller the box got. So I took to the Internet and stores to look for a storage solution. I saw alot of neat ideas but I had one problem, I couldn’t afford any of them and I’m not handy enough to make a nail polish rack. So I had to find a solution that I could afford and here’s what I came up with.


I went to my local Dollar Tree and I discovered these little crates. Ok, now don’t laugh but whatever polish I’m wearing I take with me, just in case I have a polish emergency. So I took the polish I had and set it in the crate and stacked another one on top just to make sure I’d be able to stack them with polish inside. So my little experiment showed me that I could stack them but also that if I just sat the polish in the bottom they would fall over because of the holes in the bottom, so I continued to browse the store for a solution to that. What I came up with was a thick foam poster board and some textured shelf liner.

Here are the supplies you’ll need:


  • How ever many crates you want to use( I originally got 4 and that wasn’t enough so I had to go back & get 8 more. They do have different colors if your not a pink lover like me.
  • Whatever design or color of shelf liner you prefer.
  • Foam poster board or cardboard from an old box if you have any.
  • Scissors
  • Box cutter or you could just use the scissors if you don’t have one
  • Pencil

Here are  the steps to recreating this storage solution:

Step 1- Put your shelf liner on top of the bottom of your crate and trace. Or you could just get a ruler and measure the bottom then trace that onto your shelf liner.


Step 2- Cut your shelf liner to size and place it on the corner of your poster board and trace it.



Step 3- Cut your square out. When you do this step if your using a box cutter make sure to lift the board off whatever surface your using, so that you don’t ruin it.



Step 4- Place your cut out inside the crate. If its a little bit too big on one side just take it back out and trim it to fit( I had to do this a few times).


Step 5- Take your cut out of the shelf liner and place it inside on top of the board. You may have to trim it a little to get it perfect.


Step 6- Add your polishes. The amount you can fit in their depends on the brand of polish. This crate has my Jordana glitters and a few of their color polishes. Theirs 16 and it can hold about 4 more.


Step 7- Stack if you have multiples and enjoy. For each additional one repeat this process ( I have 12 now). After I did the first one I just used those cutouts to trace for the others.Image

I hope you all like my 1st DIY post, and hopefully someone will find this useful. I have swatches coming soon, so Til then blogosphere.

How do you store your polishes?


Intro to the Journey

Published September 13, 2012 by pounds4polish

Hello everyone, I’d like to start today by saying thanks to everyone who has signed on to follow my blog. I really appreciate the support. Now onto the personal stuff.

It pains me to say this, especially since it’s now out there floating publicly but, it’s what I must do. Over the years I have gained a whopping 100 lbs. Yeah you read that right. For someone of my stature (5’4 in) weighing 240lbs is wrong on so many levels. With my last child who is 5 months today(awe, time just fly‘s doesn‘t it) I had gestational diabetes. The Dr. told me that being overweight and unhealthy will increase my chances of it coming back later in life. Now I know it’s been 5mos and I should have got on top of my bad eating habits by now but I was just lacking motivation. Until I found Nail Polish. Now your probably wondering what polish has to do with achieving a healthier lifestyle right. Well let me explain.

Painting my nails has become my favorite thing to do. When my budget allows, shopping for polishes and working on my nails is my get away from the stressors in everyday life. As a mother it is vital that I make some ME time throughout the week. One day it just hit me, Why not use my love of polish as my motivation to get healthy? Something you all should know about me right now, I personally don’t believe in dieting(unless it’s short term for say, an upcoming event). I do not believe in depriving myself of the things I want because then I might end up binging on those things(Oreo‘s I‘m talking about you). I believe it’s all about moderation. Instead of dieting I would rather adjust my eating habits to something healthier that I will be able to maintain everyday not just for a period of time.  I am making a pledge today, well starting tomorrow because let’s just say I didn’t have the healthiest breakfast. My pledge is that I will lose this extra weight and I will get healthier and more active. In the following days I will be figuring out a workout routine that fits into my day and setting my mini and long-term goals, and of course I’ll be blogging every step of the way. And oh, the most important part. I am now officially banning myself from any nail related purchases, because the incentive or reward for meeting my short and long-term goals will be… you guessed it NAIL POLISH & Accessories. I am really looking forward for what’s to come and I really hope you all will join me on this journey. Whether it’s to lose weight, maintain your weight, to live a healthier lifestyle or just for the love of nail polish.

The journey starts tomorrow… Til the blogosphere

Hello world!

Published September 12, 2012 by pounds4polish

Hello everyone, since this is my 1st post it’s only fitting that I tell you some things about myself and my blog. My name is Orchid. I am a 26-year-old mother of X kids. I am fairly new to the world of polish but it has quickly become one of my favorite things to do. This blog is about my love of polish and my journey to living a healthier lifestyle. I hope you all will take this journey with me, so I’m going to let you in on a few personal aspects of my journey in tomorrow’s post.  

Til then blogosphere


A little bit of everything

The Daily Varnish

The daily musings of two nail polish addicts.

Polishy of Truth

A beauty and lacquer blogger who doesn't hold back - and yes, likes Depeche Mode.

work / play / polish

life through manicures

Beauty in Budget Blog

Because you don't have to spend a fortune to look like a million bucks.

She Paints Polish

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Polish Groupie

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Nail Polish, Makeup and Sarcasm!

Bright & Beautyfull!

Beauty | Fashion | Lifestyle